PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: Some Days Are Yellow

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at SOME DAYS ARE YELLOW by author Suzanne Slade and illustrator Michelle Lee. It was published by Sleeping Bear Press in 2024.

SOME DAYS ARE YELLOW is a book about emotions. It has sparse text that is short and sweet – lyrical and yet clear. Between the illustrations and the few words on each page, we know exactly what the author is saying – and we FEEL the pictures.

It’s not a book all about colors, which I thought it might be from the title, but instead it takes us through everyday activities with a unique way to describe them. Kind of like kids do themselves.

Lines like “Some days are serious. Others seem silly!” can seem vague at first glance, but once you glance over the illustrations of a child taking a test juxtaposed with the same child dressed up with a dinosaur mask dancing across the page, you realize what the author is doing.

They are giving us a new way to view our day. A different way to describe our experiences. And also a way to talk to kids about the difficult things.

Because some days, for example, “are tears.”

I love the way this book makes it okay to use whatever words you (or kids) have available in order to communicate.

Also, it would be a good addition to lesson plans about opposites.

There are a lot of great pages in this book, but one of the best (in my opinion) is this one. It matches the adjectives “sporty” and “frilly” with two different activities. Both are activities kids would be familiar with, and both are portrayed as fun and acceptable for all genders.

But I do hesitate to call the above picture my fave because this next one is also just so amazing. I love how the day is called “brave” and the illustration of a brave activity is centered around a child who is ready to dive off the high board – complete with a superhero cape.

But ALSO, it shows the bravery of the child on the ground who is taking that first step upwards. It shows how “brave” means facing a scary situation head on, whatever that situation is. Hungry lion or towering heights: whatever your fear is, there is acknowledgement of its validity.

There is a lot of white space on the page which makes the focus on the kids and on their expressions. The child on the board is at peace. They have met their fears and they are prepared.

What do you think?

Which page is your favorite? Vote here:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media.  Here are some helpful links (some are affiliate links):

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

When you read the book, share with me your favorite parts in the comments. And be sure to vote on some of the other Picking Pages posts as well!

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: Gravity is Bringing Me Down

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at GRAVITY IS BRINGING ME DOWN by author Wendelin Van Draanen and illustrator Cornelia Li. It was published by Alfred A. Knopt in 2024.

The klutz in me adores this story. This is a book that starts with our main character not just getting up on the wrong side of the bed – she falls out of the bed. Then she falls on the bus. And falls on the playground. And she drops things in class. And knocks things over at meals.

I feel this girl. I’ve lived this day.

She even bumps a book cart into a doorway while trying to get to the school library. Who here has run a full book cart into something?

*raises hand*

So, yeah. I get her frustration.

The book is great for any kids who feel a bit clumsy. And, to be honest, when you take growing pains into consideration, that’s most kids. She blames the clumsiness on gravity, and the best part of the story is when she gets to experience a type of anti-gravity at the Children’s Museum. She bounces and slides and climbs all around the space room in order to discover some freedom from gravity’s normal pull.

It’s a joyful story.

When it comes to a favorite pages, I picked out the museum page first. Because this one shows the excitement she has in the freedom of her movements when she’s in her special “happy place.” You can see the glum transform into glee.

And I picked the breakfast illustration because I love the absolute chaos of it. A simple slip of the hand and – whoosh! – cereal EVERYWHERE! This would, incidentally, make my dog very happy too.

So what do you think? Which page is your favorite?

Vote here:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media.  Here are some helpful links:

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

When you read the book, share with me your favorite parts in the comments. And be sure to vote on some of the other Picking Pages posts as well!

Happy reading!

xo Rosemary

New Book Announcement!

I’m excited to announce my newest book release!


This fun activity book is a companion to the recently released AN AFRICAN ANIMAL ADVENTURE, which is a tongue-twisting ABC tale. This book will feature handwriting practice, mazes, dot-to-dot, and more alongside the animals that children will recognize from the storybook.

We’re actually still cleaning up after our second major hurricane this month, and while I’ve been running around like crazy, I would hate to miss making this announcement. In keeping with SOME semblance of normality in these hectic, insane times of no power and no water and no gas and no school, It’s helpful to at least keep up with business-as-usual online.

I’ve been working really hard on making this series a fun and helpful resource for our Littles. Reviews have been coming in for the first book and it makes my heart soooo happy <3 Check out my Facebook page to see some of the reviews.

For the activity book, each letter of the alphabet gets 2 dedicated front-and-back pages (for a total of 4 pages each). Each letter has a variety of ways to practice both letter recognition and small motor functions like proper pencil control.

Plus the background has been minimized to create a focus on the letters themselves. Even the animals are supplementary. This brings the alphabet to the forefront, as you can see in the graphic above.

I love having an entire workbook dedicated to learning the alphabet that is so easily integrated with the storytelling of the picture book.

And there are more to come! Next one is – spoiler alert – about shapes!

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss any updates.

You can see more books in the series on MY BOOKS page, and the rest of the links for this book will be posted soon!

You can also get free related printable activity pages on my ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS page.

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

Free Back to School Reads for September

This month I’ve joined a special promo where you can download books for free AND enter to win a gift card!

It’s from a website called Book Cave that regularly offers free and discounted books. See the offer here.

The Back to School Reads contest includes three $10 gift card prizes that can be used at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

There are a variety of books, including my about-to-launch AN AFRICAN ALPHABET ADVENTURE! The genres are pretty widespread, so check it out – you never know what will catch your eye.

Happy reading!

xo Rosemary

PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: The Drama Llama

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at THE DRAMA LLAMA by author Rachel Morrisroe and illustrator Ella Okstad. It was published by the Jabberwocky imprint of Sourcebooks in 2024.

THE DRAMA LLAMA is the type of book that I would call more of a “teaching” book because it deals with social emotional learning is a very straightforward way. There is no beating-around-the-bush or allusions here. The main characters worries. A LOT. And his worries manifest as a gigantic pink llama.

“Teaching” books can sometimes be a bit heavy-handed, but what I like about this book is that it’s still just a really fun and adorable story. The peppy rhyme carries us through the main character’s life as his everyday activities are interrupted by this cumbersome llama, and then we learn along with him how to control our llama. Sorry – our worries.

The last page also includes Backmatter that gives kids tips on how to deal with their own worry and anxiety in a healthy way. Not only would I have liked to have this book when my own daughter was younger, but honestly I think the tips are great for adults too.

So, what about the peek at the pictures??

Okay. I THINK my fave page in this book is the bubble bath scene. How adorable and silly is this? Just imagine, you’re hanging out and relaxing with your favorite bubble bath scent and – suddenly – a giant llama materializes in the tub with you. I love how completely ridiculous of a situation it is.

But then there’s this page: one of the main character’s attempts at losing the llama is to leave it on a train. But – zip! – just like “llama-shaped elastic” is pings right back again. What a great analogy! Kinda makes me want to have a drawer full of llama-shaped rubber bands.

So what do you think?

Which page is your favorite? Vote here:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media. Here are some helpful links:

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

When you read the book, share with me your favorite parts in the comments. And be sure to vote on some of the other Picking Pages posts as well!

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

(P.S. It turns out llama-shaped rubber bands ARE a thing!!!)


It’s almost my book’s birthday!!!


I’m so excited because this has been a very LONG journey. This book was originally released years ago, but well before I knew what I was doing. I’ve learned a lot since then. In the meantime, I’ve re-edited, re-illustrated, and re-formatted the book. It’s been intensive, but fun.

I’ve always loved this story. It’s an educational concept book created to help kids with learning the alphabet, and I’m kiiinda obsessed with the alphabet. I love alliteration. So this poetry book is a blast for me.

The BIG part of the project is that I’ve decided to expand upon AN AFRICAN ALPHABET ADVENTURE in two exciting ways.

First is that I will be continuing the story with MORE stories! These books will also be educational concept books featuring animals from different regions of the world. For example, book 1 in the series in about the alphabet with African animals. The next story will be about shapes with Arctic animals. Then there will be more concept books with topics covering things like numbers, seasons, etc.

Second is that I will be creating activity books to match the stories! So to go along with AN AFRICAN ALPHABET ADVENTURE, you will also see a workbook with handwriting practice, dot-to-dots, mazes and more.

This series is a big undertaking and will take some time to complete, but I’m looking forward to it!

In the meantime, you can join my Launch Team for AN AFRICAN ALPHABET ADVENTURE, and register to receive a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review – plus the chance to win an autographed hard cover copy – by clicking this link:

Follow along with my progress on my socials:

Happy reading!

xo Rosemary

PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: Dusk Explorers

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at DUSK EXPLORERS by author Lindsay Leslie and illustrator Ellen Rooney. It was published by Page Street Kids in 2020.

THE DUSK EXPLORERS is the kind of book that encourages curiosity – one of my favorite themes. We follow the characters around their street and yards as the sun sets in the background, taking us from an evening glow into night.

We see the games they play, like hide-and-seek, and the things they find, like curious worms peeking up from the grass. The collage-like illustrations are soft but vibrant. The language is lyrical and creative.

It’s a perfect bedtime story, because it reminds children of all of the adventures that await them tomorrow, while the slow, poetic text lulls them towards sleep.

Without feeling busy, there is an awful lot going on. That makes it a little hard to choose which of the pages is my favorite.

First we’ve got this page that I call Hide and Seek. I just adore the creative hiding places of these kids. There’s a lot of fun in these illustrations.

But then we’ve got this page that I call Firefly Flickers. There’s something about the colorful darkness of nighttime with the shadow silhouettes of the children contrasted against the bright glow of the fireflies. It’s enchanting.

Hard choice.

But now it’s time to vote for your favorite page:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media.  Here are some helpful links:

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

When you read the book, share with me your favorite parts in the comments. And be sure to vote on some of the other Picking Pages posts as well!

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

New Printable Activities for AN AFRICAN ANIMAL ADVENTURE

I’m excited to share that I’ve been busy creating fun, printable activity worksheets to match my book!

These printable activities are created for preschoolers, kindergartners, and early elementary children. They’re great if you’re looking for a fun summer brain teaser or a homeschooling project. If you’re a teacher or librarian, feel free to use them with your students, too.

They’re meant to be a fun extension to the book. First, read AN AFRICAN ANIMAL ADVENTURE: A TONGUE-TWISTING ABC TALE, then, complete the activities!

(I’ll be releasing an entire workbook SOON to go along with the picture book, too!!)

Check out the photo preview, then click on the name or download button below it to get the PDF. You can also get them from the Activities for Kids page on my site.

Dot Letter Search

Let’s Count the Animals

Otter Maze

Rhino Maze

Missing Alphabet Letters

Have fun!

xo Rosemary

PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: Little Green Donkey

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at LITTLE GREEN DONKEY by author and illustrator Anuska Allepuz. It was published by Candlewick Press in 2019.

This is such a fun book! I love the premise, the way it’s told, and the surprise ending.

We are introduced to an adorable donkey who LOVES juicy, zingy, sweet, and tangy grass. They even sleep on a pillow of grass and sing a song about grass. Little Donkey’s mom tries to get them to eat other foods, but nope. Just grass.

So much grass, in fact, that Donkey turns green!

Little Donkey must then try to find a way to change back. Their efforts don’t work so they finally switch to trying different foods. The ending surprises us in a hysterical way sure to entertain kids.

The first of my picks for a possible favorite page is what I call The Transformation. As they gobble up the yummy green stuff, they slooowly turn green themself! How enchanting is this? The spots get bigger and bigger until they are completely green — but don’t even notice!

My second possible fave page is the one I call The Full Portrait. Here the closeup of Little Donkey is so zoomed in that we must turn the book on its side to view it. And aside from being adorable, it’s labeled in such a fun way. Great for teaching the young audience sight words and body parts. My ears! My tummy!

What do you think? Which wins your vote for the favorite of the two?

Vote here:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media.  Here are some helpful links:

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

Have you read LITTLE GREEN DONKEY? Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

And be sure to stop by my posts for ACORN WAS A LITTLE WILD and EVERYBODY IN THE RED BRICK BUILDING to vote for your favorite pages there, too!

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

PICKING PAGES Picture Book Peeks: Everybody in the Red Brick Building

Everybody in the Red Brick Building by Anne Wynter and Oge Mora, Published by Balzer + Bray, 2021

Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at EVERYBODY IN THE RED BRICK BUILDING by author Anne Wynter and illustrator Oge Mora. It was published by Balzer + Bray in 2021.

This is my new blog series I created to highlight the visual nature of picture books. The purpose is to promote amazing books, and to give a little “peek” at the interior. Each post will also allow you to vote (“pick”) your favorite page out of two choices. The last post was ACORN IS A LITTLE WILD, so be sure to vote there, too!

But back to our current book: EVERYBODY IN THE RED BRICK BUILDING.

This is a book just bursting with sound! You can practically hear the pictures.

I’m a fan of collage style and I just love the artwork. The way the words meld with the art is superb, and makes both more vivid.

Everybody in the Red Brick Building is a new take on The House That Jack Built. Ordinarily that’s not really one of my top story choices, but this version is spectacular. It takes place in a city, which is a setting that will be familiar to many children. And the different onomatopoeia are derived from different sounds one might hear in an apartment building.

We start with everyone asleep. Then there’s a crying baby, a screeching parrot, the pitter-patter of stomping feet, a car alarm, and more. Finally, everyone calms back down, and we end with everyone back in bed, asleep, and the little baby sweetly curled in her mother’s arms.

Now, I’m always a fan of onomatopoeia. This is no exception. These sounds are really fun to read aloud. And the texture in the illustrations makes them great for little eyes to explore.

The first option I choose for our pick of favorite pages is what I call All The Noise. It’s a cacophony of fantastic sounds, all mixed together. It’s a very dramatic page with so much going on, that, in my opinion, it’s one of the best in the book.

However, this second choice is also high on my list of fave options. I call it simply The Cat. This page is focused in on a single element: the cat escaping the noisy car alarm. The high contrast, dramatic representation of sound with the angry orange color, and the perfection in the simplicity of the cat make this page a work of art on its own.

What do you think?

Which page is your favorite?

Vote here:

Thanks for voting!

And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media.  Here are some helpful links:

And if you’d like to Pin this blog post for later, you can save this image on Pinterest:

Have you read EVERYBODY IN THE RED BRICK BUILDING? Tell me what you thought in the comments.

Don’t forget to vote for ACORN WAS A LITTLE WILD!

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary