Welcome to my blog series Picking Pages: Picture Book Peeks where we pick our favorite Picture Book pages! Today we’re looking at THE DRAMA LLAMA by author Rachel Morrisroe and illustrator Ella Okstad. It was published by the Jabberwocky imprint of Sourcebooks in 2024.
THE DRAMA LLAMA is the type of book that I would call more of a “teaching” book because it deals with social emotional learning is a very straightforward way. There is no beating-around-the-bush or allusions here. The main characters worries. A LOT. And his worries manifest as a gigantic pink llama.
“Teaching” books can sometimes be a bit heavy-handed, but what I like about this book is that it’s still just a really fun and adorable story. The peppy rhyme carries us through the main character’s life as his everyday activities are interrupted by this cumbersome llama, and then we learn along with him how to control our llama. Sorry – our worries.
The last page also includes Backmatter that gives kids tips on how to deal with their own worry and anxiety in a healthy way. Not only would I have liked to have this book when my own daughter was younger, but honestly I think the tips are great for adults too.
So, what about the peek at the pictures??
Okay. I THINK my fave page in this book is the bubble bath scene. How adorable and silly is this? Just imagine, you’re hanging out and relaxing with your favorite bubble bath scent and – suddenly – a giant llama materializes in the tub with you. I love how completely ridiculous of a situation it is.

But then there’s this page: one of the main character’s attempts at losing the llama is to leave it on a train. But – zip! – just like “llama-shaped elastic” is pings right back again. What a great analogy! Kinda makes me want to have a drawer full of llama-shaped rubber bands.

So what do you think?
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And remember, the best ways to support your favorite authors and illustrators includes buying their books, leaving them reviews, marking them as “want to read” on Goodreads, checking their books out of the library, and sharing how much you love the books on social media. Here are some helpful links:
- THE DRAMA LLAMA on Bookshop.org
- THE DRAMA LLAMA on Goodreads
- The author’s website (under construction at time of this posting)
- The author’s Instagram
- The illustrator’s website
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When you read the book, share with me your favorite parts in the comments. And be sure to vote on some of the other Picking Pages posts as well!
Happy Reading!
xo Rosemary
(P.S. It turns out llama-shaped rubber bands ARE a thing!!!)