New Book Announcement!

I’m excited to announce my newest book release!


This fun activity book is a companion to the recently released AN AFRICAN ANIMAL ADVENTURE, which is a tongue-twisting ABC tale. This book will feature handwriting practice, mazes, dot-to-dot, and more alongside the animals that children will recognize from the storybook.

We’re actually still cleaning up after our second major hurricane this month, and while I’ve been running around like crazy, I would hate to miss making this announcement. In keeping with SOME semblance of normality in these hectic, insane times of no power and no water and no gas and no school, It’s helpful to at least keep up with business-as-usual online.

I’ve been working really hard on making this series a fun and helpful resource for our Littles. Reviews have been coming in for the first book and it makes my heart soooo happy <3 Check out my Facebook page to see some of the reviews.

For the activity book, each letter of the alphabet gets 2 dedicated front-and-back pages (for a total of 4 pages each). Each letter has a variety of ways to practice both letter recognition and small motor functions like proper pencil control.

Plus the background has been minimized to create a focus on the letters themselves. Even the animals are supplementary. This brings the alphabet to the forefront, as you can see in the graphic above.

I love having an entire workbook dedicated to learning the alphabet that is so easily integrated with the storytelling of the picture book.

And there are more to come! Next one is – spoiler alert – about shapes!

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss any updates.

You can see more books in the series on MY BOOKS page, and the rest of the links for this book will be posted soon!

You can also get free related printable activity pages on my ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS page.

Happy Reading!

xo Rosemary

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